

Thomas Laumont

Project Management

Since 2010 Thomas has successfully joined, headed or advised investment teams working on solar transactions worldwide, with a total capacity of more than 1.5 GW. Before Thomas founded his own advisory company he worked at investment funds in Germany in senior management positions. Thomas has a broad transaction experience in several European - and Asian countries as well as in the US.

Siden 2010 har Thomas deltatt i, ledet eller gitt råd til investeringsteam som jobber med solenergitransaksjoner over hele verden, med en total kapasitet på mer enn 1,5 GW. Før Thomas grunnla sin egen rådgivningsvirksomhet jobbet han i topplederstillinger i investeringsfond i Tyskland. Thomas har bred transaksjonserfaring i flere europeiske - og asiatiske land, samt i USA.



Visiting adress:
C. J. Hambros plass 2 C
N-0130 Oslo, Norway

Postal adress:
P. O. Box 6969 St. Olavs plass
N-0130 Oslo, Norway