About NRG


Norwegian Renewables Group AS (NRG') was founded in 2016, on a strong wish to participate in the energy change - to renewable energy. Our CEO, Inge Olav Fure, was one of the founders. Our purpose is to develop renewable energy in countries with high unmet energy needs.

NRG was established on the basis of decades of experience and presence in environmentally focused industries, including renewable and clean energy. With high knowledge from project development and implementation, both nationally and internationally, we aim to become an important player in renewable energy.

 The future of energy development is solar. This is the smartest, most effective, ethical and forward-looking choice in energy. And what better way to do it, than in countries that have an unused potential for energy production. This will contribute to a long-term development for the entire country.

 Our task is divided

  • Find suitable land for large energy facilities and ensure that the owner(s) enter into an agreement on the sale or lease of the properties for the project.

  • Propose the project to the relevant authority and make sure they enter into an agreement that will secure the supply of electricity.

 The two projects that have come the furthest are both located in Bangladesh, Chondip 1 and Alokdia 1. The projects are both well underway.
